contact us

Contact us

Feel free to contact us!

Office address:

Glebe Cottage, Newhills, Bucksburn, Aberdeen. AB21 9SS

Call Us:

Phone number: 01224 712808

Mobile number: Jeanette 07512 141818 or
Linda 07927 541029

email addresses:

Follow Us on Facebook

    Frequently Asked Questions!

    All the venues are in churches. Does this mean I have to be a church goer to go to the café?

    No, not at all – we are open to everyone of any faith or no faith

    How much does it cost?

    There is no set charge, but we welcome a donation at the door to help offset our costs.

    Do I have to book in advance?

    No, this is not necessary – you can just turn up.

    Do you provide transport to the café?

    We do not routinely offer transport, but we may be able to help out occasionally.

    Can I attend more than one café?

    Yes, you can attend any or all cafés!

    Can I bring someone with me?

    Yes, of course. A carer or family member is welcome too.

    get involved

    We believe that our services have the potential to have a positive impact on vulnerable people in our local communities. If you would like to know more...